Data Visualization Gallery

In this webpage we list examples of really nice visualizations that our students have created working on assignments and projects during our courses.

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Students’ Contributions

The images below belong to assignments from students in our courses, in some cases they even represent actual research results and full recognition and credit is duly noted to each contributing student.

Computational Biostatistics
Quantitative Applications for Data Analysis
Examples from class
Computational Biostatistics
Quantitative Applications for Data Analysis
From the “Quantitative Applications for Data Analysis” (EES1137) course
Visualizations of the merger of a Binary Neutron Star (BNS) system
Animation produced by Syed Ghazali Ahmad (winter 2018). Animation produced by another student in the course (winter 2018).

Movies generated by our students, taking as input simulated data in netCDF format of a BNS merger generating a three panel visualization, including a 3D representation of the trajectory followed by the stars displayed in the upper panel.
The movies were produced using python scripts and the techniques presented in class.

Examples from class

Examples from class…

From the 2018 “Introduction to Computational Biostatiscs” (MSC1090) course
Slicing of MRI data… Random dots…
Visualization of successive slices of MRI data in the three (x,y,z) coordinates. As humble as this movie might look like, it contains the basic principles of movie generation.
It also represents the dynamics of a random diffusion process, such as colloidal particles in fluids, or a droplet of milk in a mug of coffee, or even some drunk friends leaving the SGU pub at St. George campus…
From the 2017/2018 “Quantitative Applications for Data Analysis” (EES1137) course
Representation of the trajectories for a binary neutron star merger, where the vertical axis displays the time to merger…
Example from a mock simulation of a Binary Neutron Star merger trajectory, used in our EES1137 course
Zombie’s apocalypses survival curves…
3D parameter space for zombies apocalypse ODE model, used in our EES1137 course Parameter space exploration for the initial number of zombies in zombies apocalypse ODE model, used in our EES1137 course